Rendering Problems Northampton
Monocouche rendering is used for many reasons, and it works with different home styles. It comes in many colors, and there are a lot of choices for monocouche.
Whether you want something contemporary or more traditional, there are a lot of benefits to rendering a house. Monocouche is a relatively newcomer to British house rendering, and it's supplied in bags, ready to be mixed with water in render pump and sprayed.
Monocouche render has been in use in Europe since the 80's & 90's, since then In Britain became specified by architects on British projects spurred on by the investment of research and development by the monocouche manufacturers to make it a BBA approved building material. Once BBA approved builders and architects could look closer into render failures along side the render manufacturer to find the causes of render failures and most of the time the building was at fault-the render will mirror what's going on underneath so if the block/brick cracks so will the render. We have established that these modern renders are thoroughly tested and perform very well indeed, the problem is everything before the render has not advanced relatively, so we have great monocouche renders on poor quality brick/blockwork or poorly layed out foundations, maybe the roof went on before the blockwork had fully cured or maybe the blocks were layed in subzero temperatures. There are many reasons why the render could fail, or perhaps we should look at it another way-there are many reasons why a building can fail the render.