Customer Testimonials

What our customers
say about us...

  • "We felt confident as soon as you had priced up for the work, and turned our for the right reasons! The rendering looks fantastic! no mess and no fuss, our neighbour wants your number! Thank you."
    Mr & Mrs Harisson - Northants
  • "Our second time using Northampton plaster, tidy work as always. There is no need for us to ring around."
    Mr Facer
  • "We had a full refurbishment on our retirement home, Nick came around to survey and I immediately felt I could trust him. He answered all my questions and told me what I needed to hear. We had everything done from render on the outside and ceilings to floors on the inside! he even stone clad our fire place for free! it looks like something from a film set, a real centre piece!
    Our best regards"
    Mr & Mrs Dean
Rendering in Northamptonshire
Plastering in Northamptonshire
Rendering in Northants

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